Dr. Robyn L. Gobin, The Self-Care Prescription: Whole Life Care, Just What the Doctor Ordered

Dr. Gobin delivers a terrific book which is delivered both in text and format to be very approachable and easy to implement. I appreciate that she managed both to deliver a book which is meaty in substance, complete with a great Resources and References section at the back of the book and very readable. It’s substantive but not academically dense. She delivers a great Self-Help Book.

Riding the wave of the popularity of “Self-Care” which really has to do with pampering ourselves, she delivers a book which addresses, empowers, and equips us instead to take care of ourselves, self-management really.

As a Life Coach, I am always using the Wheel of Life personal assessment tool, so I greatly appreciated her Whole Life and holistic approach in the Self-Care Prescription. Each chapter addresses a sector of our lives, which, when put altogether, comprises a vibrant Whole Life. Speaking of vibrance, each chapter’s pages is framed in a chapter-specific color. We really do get the full rainbow of life.

She’s written the book in such a manner that the reader may start the work from any chapter in the book, incorporating coverage of the whole book at our own pace and need.

She includes questions, encourages writing out our answers, breath work, simple grounding and relaxing guided meditations, rewards, and action steps. Each chapter is varied. For example in Relationships, she encourages us both to foster what we have and to consider rekindling friendships and relationship we may have allowed to grow fallow.

While the book really could be read and implemented by men, the whole premise of Self-Care and Me-Time is geared towards women and in particular busy moms with careers. So, without necessitating that the readers be women, there is just a tad of the topic, approach, and illustrations which targets the books to women.

Each of the chapters has substance and depth. She never cites an issue in just 1 short paragraph and leaves you with that. However, understandably, it’s not exhaustive. This is meant to be a book people will be able to finish, reflect on, use, and implement, integrating it into their lives.

Her Resources and References section provides additional items for furthering your Personal Growth and Development from reading autobiographies by Michelle Obama to Abraham Maslow.

I love the book. I highly recommend it.

I received a gift copy from the publisher for an honest review.